General Info

What is the Training to Run Better Program?

Training for a long distance run, or any event, is always more fun if you do it with others, so I have put together a 12 week training program for the Rock N Roll Marathon and 1/2 Marathon in St. Louis on October 23, 2011.  I am pooling together all of the training advice and knowledge I have gathered over the last couple of years and will be offering a training model which will eliminate unnecessary volume while increasing intensity, training proper technique and improving the body's biomechanical efficiency. 

Why this Program instead of a Traditional Training Plan?
  • the combination of endurance and strength and conditioning workouts will increase power and speed while decreasing recovery time, reducing injury, and developing the muscles needed for running.
  • You will learn the skill of running. By streamlining your form you will become more efficient and use less energy, which leads to increased performance.
  • Less miles, less time training, less chance of overuse injuries, more time to have a life.
What are the Specifics?
  • 12 week official training program August 1-October 23, 2011.  We are already "unofficially" ramping up and you can join in at any time.
  • The program will be posted online and while I encourage you to join me for most of your training sessions, you are free to come as little or as much to my classes as you want. The training plan will call for three strength and conditioning workouts and three running workouts a week.  I will be offering Strength and Conditioning classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5:15am and 6:15am and Running Classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:15am and 6:15am.  Long run on either Saturday or Sunday.
    • Class Location:  Anytime Fitness at Gravois and Sugar Creek by Arby's or TBD (check the website for running class location each week)
    • Class Price: $7 per class, pay as you go.
More Questions?  Contact Stephanie Teague at