Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Its Wednesday night and I did not get a chance to post a strength and conditioning workout for today - Sorry!! I know you all managed to sqeeze something in, and if not, you will be all rested and ready for tomorrow's run workout. Bharaivi and gang will be meeting again at 5:30am at the summit track.

Thursday Run Workout: 4X800 repeats (1 lap recovery walk in between) - do not waiver more than 3-5 seconds between intervals. Make sure you get your warm ups in and take a recovery lap or two at the end paying close attention to your form and practice your pose running skills. FYI - 800m is 2 laps.

Friday Strength and Conditioning WO: Warm up with 5 rounds of 10 of each:
Jumping Jacks, squats, mountain climbers, kigh knees
Then: Alternate these three moves at the top of each minute for 15 minutes

  • 3 perfect pushups (then rest until the top of the minute)

  • 5 squat jumps (then rest until top of the next minute)

  • 5 v-ups (then rest until the top of the next minute and do pushups again)

Weekend Run: 5 miles this weekend - get out early before it gets too hot!

See you all next Monday.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Rumor has it that Bharaivi, Gary, and Nanette are hitting the summit track tomorrow at 5:30 am if anyone would like to join them for the Tuesday workout. You all know the warm up routine by now, just make sure you get warmed up and jog an easy lap before starting in the main set.

Tuesday Running Workout: 8-10 200meter repeats at the top of every three minutes. Translation - run 1/2 a lap hard and then rest until 3 minutes is up. Repeat this 8-10 times. The faster you run, the longer you have to rest before you run your next 200 meter.

Try to keep your 200meter runs within 3 seconds of each other, we are looking for consistent pacing at that magical speed where you run at your maximum effort that can be repeated for 8-10 times.

Good luck and report back how it went!
Today is strength and conditioning day, and without class as an option today I am going to give you a couple of different ideas to get in your work today.

Option 1: Do you have some dumbells laying around the house? Put a circuit together as follows:

4 Sets of the following group of exercises, 10 reps each. Rest 2 minutes between sets.

  • Overhead Presses

  • Squats with weights by sides

  • Bicep curls

  • Alternating reverse lunges with tricep kickback (10 each leg)

  • Renegade Rows (down in plank position, hands on weights - alternate pulling each dumbell in a row keeping your hips facing forward)

  • Burpees from plank to standing holding weights

Option 2:

No Weights? Lets do a bodyweight circuit, 4 sets, 10 reps, 2 min rest in between.

  • dive bomber pushups

  • air squats

  • explosive wall pushups (lean against wall feet 2 ft away and arms extended fall to wall and then push away explosively

  • plyometric lunges

  • Tricep dips off a bench

  • burpees

Have fun!

Friday, July 22, 2011

TGIF! Awesome job to all of you that have braved the heat this week and gotten all your workouts in. Consistency is going to be key, so try and get those three scheduled runs and three scheduled strength and conditioning workouts in each week. Of course, if this is new to you and your are ramping up your activity, listen to your body first, and progress wisely, backing off if you are not hitting your run times like you should or your body is flirting with injury vs. overall muscle soreness.

Just a reminder - NO CLASS NEXT WEEK. This does NOT mean no workouts next week. Check into the website daily for "homework assignments" and start using the comment feature of the blog to let us know about your workouts completed, questions, comments. This would also be a GREAT forum for setting up workout dates while I am gone. If you are planning on running or getting together with some of the others to complete your workouts put the date/time/place/type of workout in the comments section or email me and I will post it on the site for anyone interested.

Friday Workout: Spend some extra time stretching your legs and expirement with a foam roller or lacrosse ball for loosening up those sticky tight spots (visit MobilityWOD ) 3X10 tricep dips off bench , plank with hip dips(roll hips from side to side), jump squats --rest 3 min then 3X10 pushups, russian twists , plyo lunges--rest 3 min then 50 situps

Saturday or Sunday Long Run: Run 4-6 miles for 1/2 marathon or 8-12 for full

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Today was all about hill repeats, and I know everyone is glad those are done - great job guys! I promised some video links on before and after Pose running technique , so here are a couple I have found. Before and After 1 Before and after 2 .

Cues to remember:

  • Land underneath your center of mass (not in front of your body)

  • Land midfoot, let your heel "kiss" the ground

  • Pull foot up rather than pushing off

  • lean from the ankle, not from the hips

  • Faster cadence (hot coals - get those feet up fast!)

  • arms at 90 degrees or less, relax shoulders, relax hands

  • Did I mention Breathe!!!

Wednesday Bootcamp: Class on Wednesday is all about the butt, and a great class for first timers if you have any friends that are interested in coming. At home option: 10 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 15 squats, 10 mountain climbers (each leg), 5 pushups

Thursday Running: Back to the Summit Track at 5:15am and 6:15am - come run before it gets too hot!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Congrats to Sara and Stephanie G who made it out to the CrossFit Valley Park 5K this weekend, great run ladies! I hope everyone else was able to squeeze in a 5K this weekend, bring me your times on Tuesday. Class Schedule for the week is posted to the right. Make sure to bring plenty of water, we are supposed to have heat advisories all week.

Monday: 50 burpees for time

Tuesday: Hill work - Running Class will meet at Rockwood South Middle School

Homework - watch POSE RUNNING ON HILLS VIDEO before class tomorrow

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Much better weather for those of you who came out to the track this morning. Great job on your 400 meter repeats. Reminder for the weekend - 5K time trial is on the schedule for Saturday or Sunday. CrossFit Valley Park is hosting a 5k run to raise money for their competition team. Visit CFVP Sign Up to register for the race.

Friday: If you have dumbells handy please bring some 5 lb, 8lb, or 10lb weights to boot camp in the morning. We will be working on Cardio intervals, upper body, and abs.
At home option: 10 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

  • run a flight of stairs

  • 10 squats

  • run down the stairs

  • 10 pushups on floor, bottom, or second step(lowest step possible without losing form)

Weekend: 5K time trial - post time to comments

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Great turn out at boot camp this morning. For those of you who can't make it to class I will start posting your "make-up assignments". This is NOT a sub for your strength and conditioning or running classes, but is a way to keep you on track if you are on vacation or can't make a class.

Wednesday: 10,9,8,7.....1 Kettlebell swings and burpees (10 swings, 10 burpees, 9 swings, 9 burpees etc..)*If you don't have a kettlebell use a dumbell

Thursday: Bring a mat or towel to the track tomorrow for some post workout runner's yoga. If it is raining we will meet at Anytime Fitness, otherwise, meet at the Summit Track.

I would love to hear feedback, comments, questions, so feel free to comment through this blog - chances are if you have a question, someone else does too!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Great job this morning to all the early morning runners who showed up this morning! Make sure you drink lots of water today and stay hydrated. General rule - drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day as a base. If exercising consume an addition 16-20 ounces an hour during activity.

Workout for Tuesday, July 12th: 1 mile time trial

Homework: Stay hydrated, work on ankle strengthening exercises, come to boot camp tomorrow!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Welcome to our training website! This website will be a work in progress for the next week or two as we ramp up our training program for the Rock N Roll Marathon. Official 12 week training program starts August 1st, but unofficially its time to start lacing up those running shoes and hitting the pavement.

Boot Camp:
BootCamp Class is the "Strength and Conditioning" part of the training program and classes are every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:15am and 6:15am at Anytime Fitness in Fenton. See Class Info link for details.

Ramp up running classes will start this Tuesday morning (July 12th) at 5:15am and 6:15am at the Rockwood Summit High School track. Bring a stopwatch, water, and your running shoes. Hope to see you Monday for BootCamp and Tuesday for running the track.