Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week of November 28th-December 3rd

Thanksgiving is officially behind us.  Hope you all enjoyed your holiday and managed to squeeze in a turkey trot or fun run.  Our goal for December is to maintain our running base and take some extra time working on strengthening our core and posterior chain, those muscles most important in maintain good running form.  I will continue to post run workouts for 3X a week as well as any group runs and races that are planned.

Run Workout #1: Warm up with warm up exercises and easy 800. Rest 3 minutes then run 5X800 at 90-95% effort with 3 minutes rest in between intervals.  Keep all intervals within 3-5 seconds

Run Workout #2: Warm up with warm up exercises and easy 400.  Run 10x100 sprints starting at the top of each minute.  Walk one lap and then repeat 10x100 meter sprints starting at the top of each minute.  Cool down with 400 meter easy with good form.  Stretch and roll with foam roller.

Run Workout #3:  Valley Park Run - Meet at 6:30am at the Valley Park Trailhead for a group run. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week of November 14th:

I hope you are taking advantage of these last warm days, winter will be blasting us before we know it!  St. Louis has developed a great racing community and there are plenty of opportunities to keep running all winter long.  Take the time to visit the local race calendars at Fleet Feet, Big River Running, and St. Louis Track Club and pick some races to participate in. I am planning on entering in the Frostbite Series which is run by the St Louis Track Club down in Forest Park.  Click here for the entry form with all of the information.

Run workouts for the week:

Workout 1 - complete warm up exercises and run 1 mile at easy pace practicing perfect pose form.  Rest 3 minutes then complete 3 rounds of 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters with 1:1 rest (if it takes 20 seconds to run 100m then rest 20 seconds, etc).  Cool down with 800 meters easy run/walk.  stretch and 3X 1 min plank holds

Workout 2 - complete warm up exercises and hill Tabata on treadmill - 8 rounds of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off at 10% incline or flat if outside. Cool down with 1/2 mile run easy on 0% incline and take time to hit the foam roller and stretch.

**Let me know if you have races you want to participate in and I will post them for the group.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Run workouts for the week of November 7th:

Workout 1:  3-5 1200 meter repeats with a 1 lap walk in between.  Keep your pace within 3-5 seconds for each round. 

Workout 2:  Hill Repeats - Middle school hill or treadmill at 12% grade. 10 30 second runs with walk down or 30 second rest in between.  Warm up with 1 mile jog and cool down with 5 min walk at end.  Stretch and roll after workout.

Weekend Run:  If anyone is interested in planning a group run let me know and I will post it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sounds like everyone has recovered nicely from the half marathon.  You all have worked so hard to achieve your current level of running fitness, so I don't want you to stop running!  Lets keep at it with three runs a week - two shorter interval workouts and a longer workout on the weekend.  You will thank me come January when we start talking about Go St. Louis. 

If you did not run with us over the fall this would be an excellent time to jump in and start building up your walk/run endurance.  I will be posting beginner workouts as well and encourage everyone to pick their level and participate.

Running Workouts for the Week - Complete these workouts according to your own schedule, making sure to take a day off between run workouts for recovery.  This work coincides with Boot Camp strength and conditioning which you should be doing three days a week.  I will offer both treadmill and outside options, feel free to flip the workouts and don't feel like you have to do treadmill workouts on the treadmill or vice versa.

Workout #1:  4 - 400 meter repeats with 2 minutes rest in between.  90% effort and try to keep 400's within 3 seconds of each other.
Beginners - speed walk as fast as possible or run and remember its just 1 lap around the track and then you get to rest for 2 minutes - push yourself!

Workout #2:  Treadmill option - Warmup at comfortable pace for 1 mile.  Then set speed to 8.0-9.0. Run for .10 of a mile and hop off, bump up the speed 2/10ths and rest while another tenth mile passes by. Hop back on and run another 10th at 8.2-9.2. Jump off and bump up another .2.  Repeat this pattern for 10 run intervals then come back down by .2 for 10 more intervals, getting back to your starting speed.  Outside option: Run 20 100 meter intervals and start at the top of each minute.
Beginners - same workout.  For treadmill start at a speed of 4.0-6.0, for outside intervals increase your rest and start at the top of every 2 minutes.

Weekend Run: 5-7 miles. Beginners - 3 miles walking 4 minutes and running 1 minute.