Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Today we started German Volume Training for Overhead press and kettlebell goblet squats. Prepare to immerse yourself in this GVT for the next 5 weeks every wednesday and lets get strong!

We have gained some new recruits over the last couple of weeks and I just want to mention how great you are all doing! Keep up the good work and keep coming and making this part of your routine, I promise you won't regret it.

Beginner's Class - There has been some talk of starting a beginner's boot camp for anyone who might be a little intimidated to jump in with our bootcamp regulars. If you know someone who is interested in a beginner's class I am thinking a Tuesday/Thursday class at 8:15am. Pass this info along and have them contact me if interested.

Thursday Run Workout - Tabatas on the treadmill at Anytime Fitness at 5:15 and 6:15am. If you are running this on your own you should do a warm up mile easy and then run 8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off at top speed, on a hill or at a 12% incline. Make sure to cool down and stretch after your run.

Friday Bootcamp - Partner work on Friday so come to class and join in on the fun!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday, September 25th

We are now a less than a month from the RockN Roll half marathon and everyone has been doing fantastic! If you haven't signed up yet make sure to stop in Fleet Feet as soon as possible to sign up since they are currently offering $15 off until sellout if you register in person. We are in the home stretch now, so stay focused and stay consistent with both your running and strength and conditioning workouts so you can be in peak shape on race day. This week we will focus on balance, core, and the posterior chain, all very important pieces of a strong runner.

Monday at Home Workout:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday morning run at the track - nice solid effort by all our teams this morning. Amazingly the duo of Sara B and Julie came in first at 6:15 and "won" a squat free cool down. Laurie turned on the burners this morning at 5:15 bringing team theinnes/teague to a first place victory, with John and Amy close behind and the Kinder team rocking out the third place finish with 50 squats.

Weekend Long Run: We set our weekend long run for Saturday morning at 6:30am at Fenton Park. Meet at the pavilion by the tennis courts and comment or shoot me an email so we know who will be showing up. We have 9 miles on the schedule and everyone should be practicing race day nutrition and hydration. I will plant some gatorade and water along the course so we can mimic the water stops. Hope to see you Saturday morning.

Friday Boot Camp: Forgot to tell you all, but the Crossfit Games have been televised on ESPN2 the last couple of Wednesdays and will be on the next two wednesdays from 7-9pm. Here is a little taste of the games and inspiration for tomorrow's workout. We will be outside tomorrow so dress accordingly.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sorry the updates have been lagging, internet issues at home, but finally - back online! We had a great showing at the Rockwood Summit 5K this weekend and even after a 4 1/2 mile "warm up" run, everyone did outstanding. For complete results go to Big River Running. This week we are back to the track for interval work and completed a 200-400-800-1200-800-400-200 ladder this morning. We also talked about race day nutrition. Here is a great article discussing the importance of nutrition before, during and after the race. Make sure you take the time over the next few weekends to play with your nutrition to help optimize your long run performance.

Wednesday Boot Camp: Bench Press German Volume Training came to an end last week, but do not fear, more GVT is coming! We had such great success with the Bench Press that we will be starting a new six week series with the Overhead Press. Why the overhead press? This exercise is not only one of the best ways to increase upper body strength, but it is extremely effective in strengthening your core and increasing the strength and stability of your "power zone". Hope to see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday September 14th: Today's bootcamp was the final session of working the Bench Press with German Volume Training. We tested everyone's one rep max and the strength gains were amazing! Great job everyone and because of the positive results we will be expanding our german volume training to some other lifts starting next Wednesday, make sure you don't miss out!

Thursday Running Workout: LOCATION CHANGE - we have moved the thursday workout to Anytime Fitness for Thursday and will only be having a 5:15 am class. Come prepared to run some "hills" on the treadmill and if you have your own mat and a foam roller that you want to bring, we will be working on some targeted stretching and mobility.

Saturday Running Plans: We are planning on meeting at 7:30 at Summit to get in some miles before the 5K run starts at 9am.

Friday, September 9, 2011

For those of you who made it to the track yesterday, you are most likely feeling the soreness that accompanies hard effort speedwork. We ran 20 100m repeats at 90-95% effort, which is very taxing on your muscles. If you look at sprinters and their huge leg muscles you can see that muscle strength versus cardio endurance is mainstay of speed. When you do hard speed workouts you need to make sure you take the time to recover. I have found that the best type of recovery is some type of cross training which gives you just enough movement to keep the blood circulating through your legs. One of our main goals should be staying healthy, and I found a great article on the Runners World site that addresses the 7 big body breakdowns. Please take the time to read it.

Friday Boot Camp: We worked with partners today doing a great "Stop and Go" circuit. If you missed it try some of these isometric holds for strength and stability:

  • Plank hold (forearm or hand plank)

  • Squat hold (bottom of the squat, knees pushed out, no slouching)

  • vsit

  • kettlebell farmers hold (hold heavy weights at your sides with good posture, abs and glutes locked)

  • handstand hold against the wall

Weekend Long Run: We have 7 miles on the schedule this weekend and a group will be meeting at 7am at the Valley Park Trailhead. I will try to send out a group email so you can respond tomorrow morning if the weather looks questionable. Start off easy and finish strong, - last three miles at half marathon goal pace.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mile time trials were a success today at the track! Great job on improving your mile times, looks like the speedwork is paying off.

For those of you looking for a 5k this weekend, the Unigroup 5k is this Saturday at 8:30am and is always a fun race. I will be there and would love the company

Wednesday Boot Camp: Try to make it to class for our second to last bench press wednesday. We will be mixing this in with some circuit training to get a great total body workout.

At home option: set up your own circuit training circle and get in 6 rounds of 1min at each station with 1 minute rest at the end of each round:

  • chest press with weights on floor or bench or swiss ball

  • air squats

  • one arm bent over row (30 sec each arm - like starting a lawnmower)

  • russian twists (sit up position sitting halfway back and hold a weight twisting side to side)

  • jump rope

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fall weather is here! Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend and are ready to get back to the track. Meeting at 5:15am and 6:15am tomorrow for our second 1 mile time trial. Lets try to get there to see if there has been any improvement.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

If you missed us at the track this morning we worked on pacing. If you are still planning on getting your run in this evening we did 3 one mile repeats tracking our splits at each lap. Lap target times are as follows:
Half Marathon/ Time Mile Pace/ 400M time
1hr 58min /9 min per mile /2:15 per lap
2hr 04min /9:30 /2:23
2hr 11min /10/ 2:30
2hr 18min /10:30 /2:37
2hr 24 min/ 11 /2:45
2hr 30min/ 11:30 /2:53

This was a great workout for getting the feel of your pacing for race day. We did some core work and rested 2 min between each mile. Definitely a workout I would recommend.

Friday Boot camp: We will be "playing" outside with a buddy tomorrow, so try to make it into class for a fun workout. At Home option - Dust off one of your favorite workout videos and do it all the way through, no stopping, no slacking off!

Weekend Long Run - We are planning on meeting at 6:30am at the Valley Park Trailhead for a 10K time trial. This means 6.2miles as fast as possible (for you). If you are not up to a hard run in this heat then take it slower but make sure your last mile is at your half marathon goal pace or faster. Post if you plan on coming so we can get a head count.

NO CLASS ON MONDAY - ITS LABOR DAY, go have some fun!!