Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Week of December 26th

Hope everyone had a great holiday, I know most of you are working light or not at all this week, so we will only offer the 6:15am class this Wednesday 12/28 and Friday 12/30.

Run workout #1:  8 200m runs with 2 min recovery between intervals. Concentrate on quick turnover, and full recovery between repeats (200M = .13 on the treadmill).  Following workout 3x60 seconds of plank and superman. 

Run workout #2: 3 800m runs (.5 on treadmill) 3 min rest in between efforts.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Week of December 19th:

No 6:15 class on Wednesday, don't forget! We will have class on Monday and Friday at 5:15 and 6:15, and the 5:15am class on Wednesday.

Running for the week: (good warm up and cool down and make sure to stretch and roll)

Workout 1: 200 meter, rest 1 min, 400 meters, rest 2 min, 800 meters, rest 3 min, 1200 meters, rest 4 min, 800 meters, rest 3 min, 300 meters, rest 2 min, 200 meters

Workout 2: Treadmill workout - 10X 30 seconds at 15% incline with 1 min rest in between - challenge yourself on your pace.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Week of December 12th

The weather looks decent this week, so I encourage you to make it to the track if you have the opportunity. Hopefully you are keeping track of your split times on your intervals to help you gauge your speed for future workouts of the same interval length.  Make sure to track your effort level as well, and when your training speeds get easier it is time to bump up the treadmill or push your split times around the track.

Workout #1: Long Interval - Warm up with dynamic warmup (skips, shuffle, hurdles, leg swings, etc). Run 1 lap (.25 mile) at an easy pace and pay attention to quick cadence, midfoot land, and quick pull of leg rather than pushing off.  4 X 800m (2 laps at the track or .5 on the treadmill).  Rest 3 minutes between intervals and stay within 3-5 seconds on each interval (finish with consistent times). Record split times and/or treadmill settings and stretch and foam roll when completed

Workout #2: Short Interval - Warm up with dynamic warm up and 800 meter run jogging on the curves and pickup sprints on the straight aways (if treadmill slow for .10 and fast for .10 - alternate for .5 miles) 10-15 X 100 meter run, easy back peddle back to start (or jump off treadmilll and jog backwards for 30 seconds) rest 30 seconds and repeat.  Finish with plank wheel (plank 30 seconds prone, side, reverse plank, other side X 3)

Saturday Run - TBA

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week of December 5th

Weather looks somewhat iffy this week, but I think we will have atleast one or two sunny days to get outside and shake our legs out.  Frostbite series starts this Saturday for anyone interested, and it is not too early to sign up for Go St. Louis in the spring.  Now that it is getting colder outside you need to embrace the icy temperatures and put some cold weather running gear on your shopping list.  Hat, gloves, ear muffs, and layering will let you keep running all through the winter - start making your santa list!

Run Workout #1:  Traditional drill warmup. 5 rounds of 400 meter (.25 on the treadmill) run, 40 squats, 30 situps, 20 pushups and 1 minute plank.  Start running immediately after your minute plank is up.  Time yourself and write your time down somewhere.  We will repeat this workout later to see if you get any faster.

Run Workout #2:  Run 1 mile easy. Run 30 seconds and rest 30 seconds for 10 rounds at 10% incline at 90-95% effort.  Rest 5 minutes then run 30 seconds and rest 30 seconds for 10 rounds at 0% incline at 90-95% effort. Cool down with fast paced walk to stretch out legs then stretch and roll with foam roller.

Weekend Run - Who wants to plan??

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week of November 28th-December 3rd

Thanksgiving is officially behind us.  Hope you all enjoyed your holiday and managed to squeeze in a turkey trot or fun run.  Our goal for December is to maintain our running base and take some extra time working on strengthening our core and posterior chain, those muscles most important in maintain good running form.  I will continue to post run workouts for 3X a week as well as any group runs and races that are planned.

Run Workout #1: Warm up with warm up exercises and easy 800. Rest 3 minutes then run 5X800 at 90-95% effort with 3 minutes rest in between intervals.  Keep all intervals within 3-5 seconds

Run Workout #2: Warm up with warm up exercises and easy 400.  Run 10x100 sprints starting at the top of each minute.  Walk one lap and then repeat 10x100 meter sprints starting at the top of each minute.  Cool down with 400 meter easy with good form.  Stretch and roll with foam roller.

Run Workout #3:  Valley Park Run - Meet at 6:30am at the Valley Park Trailhead for a group run. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week of November 14th:

I hope you are taking advantage of these last warm days, winter will be blasting us before we know it!  St. Louis has developed a great racing community and there are plenty of opportunities to keep running all winter long.  Take the time to visit the local race calendars at Fleet Feet, Big River Running, and St. Louis Track Club and pick some races to participate in. I am planning on entering in the Frostbite Series which is run by the St Louis Track Club down in Forest Park.  Click here for the entry form with all of the information.

Run workouts for the week:

Workout 1 - complete warm up exercises and run 1 mile at easy pace practicing perfect pose form.  Rest 3 minutes then complete 3 rounds of 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters with 1:1 rest (if it takes 20 seconds to run 100m then rest 20 seconds, etc).  Cool down with 800 meters easy run/walk.  stretch and 3X 1 min plank holds

Workout 2 - complete warm up exercises and hill Tabata on treadmill - 8 rounds of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off at 10% incline or flat if outside. Cool down with 1/2 mile run easy on 0% incline and take time to hit the foam roller and stretch.

**Let me know if you have races you want to participate in and I will post them for the group.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Run workouts for the week of November 7th:

Workout 1:  3-5 1200 meter repeats with a 1 lap walk in between.  Keep your pace within 3-5 seconds for each round. 

Workout 2:  Hill Repeats - Middle school hill or treadmill at 12% grade. 10 30 second runs with walk down or 30 second rest in between.  Warm up with 1 mile jog and cool down with 5 min walk at end.  Stretch and roll after workout.

Weekend Run:  If anyone is interested in planning a group run let me know and I will post it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sounds like everyone has recovered nicely from the half marathon.  You all have worked so hard to achieve your current level of running fitness, so I don't want you to stop running!  Lets keep at it with three runs a week - two shorter interval workouts and a longer workout on the weekend.  You will thank me come January when we start talking about Go St. Louis. 

If you did not run with us over the fall this would be an excellent time to jump in and start building up your walk/run endurance.  I will be posting beginner workouts as well and encourage everyone to pick their level and participate.

Running Workouts for the Week - Complete these workouts according to your own schedule, making sure to take a day off between run workouts for recovery.  This work coincides with Boot Camp strength and conditioning which you should be doing three days a week.  I will offer both treadmill and outside options, feel free to flip the workouts and don't feel like you have to do treadmill workouts on the treadmill or vice versa.

Workout #1:  4 - 400 meter repeats with 2 minutes rest in between.  90% effort and try to keep 400's within 3 seconds of each other.
Beginners - speed walk as fast as possible or run and remember its just 1 lap around the track and then you get to rest for 2 minutes - push yourself!

Workout #2:  Treadmill option - Warmup at comfortable pace for 1 mile.  Then set speed to 8.0-9.0. Run for .10 of a mile and hop off, bump up the speed 2/10ths and rest while another tenth mile passes by. Hop back on and run another 10th at 8.2-9.2. Jump off and bump up another .2.  Repeat this pattern for 10 run intervals then come back down by .2 for 10 more intervals, getting back to your starting speed.  Outside option: Run 20 100 meter intervals and start at the top of each minute.
Beginners - same workout.  For treadmill start at a speed of 4.0-6.0, for outside intervals increase your rest and start at the top of every 2 minutes.

Weekend Run: 5-7 miles. Beginners - 3 miles walking 4 minutes and running 1 minute.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Project Training to Run Better is a Success!!  I cannot tell you all how proud I am of everyone's commitment to this unconventional half marathon training program.  I hope you all enjoyed the experience over the last twelve weeks and come away from this experience with a more efficient running style, better running mechanics, and and stronger and healthier engine.  You all have become some very powerful running machines! 

Now that the race is over we need to take a little time to recover and enjoy our accomplishments.  Fitness is a lifetime journey though and you know that I will be right back at you with new challenges and new goals.  We will not have running classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the rest of the year, but starting in January I would like to regroup and discuss our goals for the Go St Louis half marathon or full marathon. 

BootCamp as usual on Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays at 5:15am, 6:15am, and 8:15am.  If you have friends or family that would like to join in on the fun have them email me at stfteague@sbcglobal.net - new members ALWAYS welcome.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Countdown to Race day - 4 days!  The last workout I have posted on our official training program is 10-50 meter strides.  We will not be meeting on Thursday morning, but I will be incorporating this work into our workout on Friday, so feel free to take tomorrow off.  Class on Friday will be friendly to all our racers, so don't be afraid to come.

Some Last Minute Details:

  • Confirm Registration - Make sure you print off your confirmation waiver to take with you to the expo.  You will need this to pick up your packet along with your driver's license.
  • Expo - Packet pickup is on Friday from 12pm-7pm and Saturday from 9am-5pm.
  • Pasta Party - Come join us at my house for a pre-race dinner.  There will be plenty of food, but eat smart, no need to stuff yourself to the gills!  Shoot me an email or respond to the evite so I know how much pasta to order.
  • Race morning drive down and parking: We will meet at the Summit High School Parking lot at 6:00am to caravan down to the race. We are going to try parking at the YMCA lot at 15th and Locust. Looks like there are plenty of lots that will be open and charging $5, so if that doesnt work we will figure something out.
  • Family view spot - I am having my girls and in-laws wait at
  • After the race we can all meet up at the letter "S" in the family reunion area to celebrate and listen to the band.
Good Luck!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Friday BootCamp:  Weight Training and Cardio Intervals on Friday

Saturday Long Run: We are meeting for our last long run at Grants Trail - 6:30 am for an 8 mile run.  This run should be at race pace and a nice kick back before the big race next weekend.  Don't forget to bring any supplements (sports beans, gu, gel blocks) that you might be taking during the race to test them out.  Also, plan a race day outfit, including the sports bra and socks, and test them out to make sure they are comfortable and don't chafe.

Monday 10/17- CLASS CANCELLED - my daughter will be playing golf in Sedalia and I will be there watching her.  Homework while I am gone - 5 rounds of 10 overhead presses, 10 bicep curls, 10  weighted squats, 10 tricep kickbacks, 10 bent over rows and 50 jumping jacks for time.

Have a good Weekend!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

We are half way through the week and hill runs and German Volume Shoulder presses and squats have been checked off the list.  For Thursdays a.m. run we will meet back at the track at 5:15am for 8 - 400 meter repeats.  This will be our last Tuesday - Thursday class and I want to praise you all for sticking with the training program and putting your faith in our non-traditional methods. Amy was our first runner to put the training to the test and had a strong race last weekend when she and her posse completed the Bourban Chase in Kentucky. Can't wait to hear all the details! 

Here is a totally unrelated video, but we talked about it in class this morning and I thought you might all enjoy. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

We are now two weeks out for the big race and I am happy to say that everyone is right on track for a great rock n roll run. You guys have done all the hard work and now its time to stay healthy, clean up your diet, get plenty of rest. Keep babying any nagging spots and make sure to ice, roll out, stretch those areas that need extra attention (hamstrings, hips, IT band, calves, shins, ankles). Here is a great link to some stretch and strengthening exercises you can do at home.
Get off your Butt

Monday Bootcamp: The weather will continue be nice this week so plan on a fun workout outside tomorrow.

Tuesday Run: We are kind of winding down now on our Tuesday/Thursday classes, but it is still important to get these last couple of key workouts in before the race. We will meet at the middle school for a hill workout only at 5:30 am for anyone who can make it. If not, make sure to put some hills in your run today.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Death By 10 meters was the running workout this morning and only Lauri and Brenda got to experience the crazy fun!

Found a great video on Squat technique that I wanted to share. I know we talk about the squat alot, but the squat is a foundational movement used in so many exercises that its critical that we get this right.

Long Run this Weekend: We are meeting back at Grants Trail at 6:30am on Saturday morning for our longest run before the half. Don't forget to practice your race day nutrition as well as eating a good meal the night before with a higher carb ratio to fill your tank.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Congratulations to everyone for a great long run this weekend, I heard that the Saturday group did fantastic at Grants Trail! We are in the home stretch now, with one more bump up in mileage next weekend and then a kick back week before the big race. Stay healthy this month and get plenty of sleep, good nutritious food and lots of water.

Monday Boot Camp - Today we are working with Bands and Weights

Tuesday Run - Meet at the Summit Track for 3 1 mile repeats.

Wednesday Bootcamp - 2nd week of overhead press and squats on German Volume Training.

Thursday Run - Meeting at Anytime Fitness***

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Today we started German Volume Training for Overhead press and kettlebell goblet squats. Prepare to immerse yourself in this GVT for the next 5 weeks every wednesday and lets get strong!

We have gained some new recruits over the last couple of weeks and I just want to mention how great you are all doing! Keep up the good work and keep coming and making this part of your routine, I promise you won't regret it.

Beginner's Class - There has been some talk of starting a beginner's boot camp for anyone who might be a little intimidated to jump in with our bootcamp regulars. If you know someone who is interested in a beginner's class I am thinking a Tuesday/Thursday class at 8:15am. Pass this info along and have them contact me if interested.

Thursday Run Workout - Tabatas on the treadmill at Anytime Fitness at 5:15 and 6:15am. If you are running this on your own you should do a warm up mile easy and then run 8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off at top speed, on a hill or at a 12% incline. Make sure to cool down and stretch after your run.

Friday Bootcamp - Partner work on Friday so come to class and join in on the fun!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday, September 25th

We are now a less than a month from the RockN Roll half marathon and everyone has been doing fantastic! If you haven't signed up yet make sure to stop in Fleet Feet as soon as possible to sign up since they are currently offering $15 off until sellout if you register in person. We are in the home stretch now, so stay focused and stay consistent with both your running and strength and conditioning workouts so you can be in peak shape on race day. This week we will focus on balance, core, and the posterior chain, all very important pieces of a strong runner.

Monday at Home Workout:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday morning run at the track - nice solid effort by all our teams this morning. Amazingly the duo of Sara B and Julie came in first at 6:15 and "won" a squat free cool down. Laurie turned on the burners this morning at 5:15 bringing team theinnes/teague to a first place victory, with John and Amy close behind and the Kinder team rocking out the third place finish with 50 squats.

Weekend Long Run: We set our weekend long run for Saturday morning at 6:30am at Fenton Park. Meet at the pavilion by the tennis courts and comment or shoot me an email so we know who will be showing up. We have 9 miles on the schedule and everyone should be practicing race day nutrition and hydration. I will plant some gatorade and water along the course so we can mimic the water stops. Hope to see you Saturday morning.

Friday Boot Camp: Forgot to tell you all, but the Crossfit Games have been televised on ESPN2 the last couple of Wednesdays and will be on the next two wednesdays from 7-9pm. Here is a little taste of the games and inspiration for tomorrow's workout. We will be outside tomorrow so dress accordingly.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sorry the updates have been lagging, internet issues at home, but finally - back online! We had a great showing at the Rockwood Summit 5K this weekend and even after a 4 1/2 mile "warm up" run, everyone did outstanding. For complete results go to Big River Running. This week we are back to the track for interval work and completed a 200-400-800-1200-800-400-200 ladder this morning. We also talked about race day nutrition. Here is a great article discussing the importance of nutrition before, during and after the race. Make sure you take the time over the next few weekends to play with your nutrition to help optimize your long run performance.

Wednesday Boot Camp: Bench Press German Volume Training came to an end last week, but do not fear, more GVT is coming! We had such great success with the Bench Press that we will be starting a new six week series with the Overhead Press. Why the overhead press? This exercise is not only one of the best ways to increase upper body strength, but it is extremely effective in strengthening your core and increasing the strength and stability of your "power zone". Hope to see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday September 14th: Today's bootcamp was the final session of working the Bench Press with German Volume Training. We tested everyone's one rep max and the strength gains were amazing! Great job everyone and because of the positive results we will be expanding our german volume training to some other lifts starting next Wednesday, make sure you don't miss out!

Thursday Running Workout: LOCATION CHANGE - we have moved the thursday workout to Anytime Fitness for Thursday and will only be having a 5:15 am class. Come prepared to run some "hills" on the treadmill and if you have your own mat and a foam roller that you want to bring, we will be working on some targeted stretching and mobility.

Saturday Running Plans: We are planning on meeting at 7:30 at Summit to get in some miles before the 5K run starts at 9am.

Friday, September 9, 2011

For those of you who made it to the track yesterday, you are most likely feeling the soreness that accompanies hard effort speedwork. We ran 20 100m repeats at 90-95% effort, which is very taxing on your muscles. If you look at sprinters and their huge leg muscles you can see that muscle strength versus cardio endurance is mainstay of speed. When you do hard speed workouts you need to make sure you take the time to recover. I have found that the best type of recovery is some type of cross training which gives you just enough movement to keep the blood circulating through your legs. One of our main goals should be staying healthy, and I found a great article on the Runners World site that addresses the 7 big body breakdowns. Please take the time to read it.

Friday Boot Camp: We worked with partners today doing a great "Stop and Go" circuit. If you missed it try some of these isometric holds for strength and stability:

  • Plank hold (forearm or hand plank)

  • Squat hold (bottom of the squat, knees pushed out, no slouching)

  • vsit

  • kettlebell farmers hold (hold heavy weights at your sides with good posture, abs and glutes locked)

  • handstand hold against the wall

Weekend Long Run: We have 7 miles on the schedule this weekend and a group will be meeting at 7am at the Valley Park Trailhead. I will try to send out a group email so you can respond tomorrow morning if the weather looks questionable. Start off easy and finish strong, - last three miles at half marathon goal pace.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mile time trials were a success today at the track! Great job on improving your mile times, looks like the speedwork is paying off.

For those of you looking for a 5k this weekend, the Unigroup 5k is this Saturday at 8:30am and is always a fun race. I will be there and would love the company

Wednesday Boot Camp: Try to make it to class for our second to last bench press wednesday. We will be mixing this in with some circuit training to get a great total body workout.

At home option: set up your own circuit training circle and get in 6 rounds of 1min at each station with 1 minute rest at the end of each round:

  • chest press with weights on floor or bench or swiss ball

  • air squats

  • one arm bent over row (30 sec each arm - like starting a lawnmower)

  • russian twists (sit up position sitting halfway back and hold a weight twisting side to side)

  • jump rope

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fall weather is here! Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend and are ready to get back to the track. Meeting at 5:15am and 6:15am tomorrow for our second 1 mile time trial. Lets try to get there to see if there has been any improvement.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

If you missed us at the track this morning we worked on pacing. If you are still planning on getting your run in this evening we did 3 one mile repeats tracking our splits at each lap. Lap target times are as follows:
Half Marathon/ Time Mile Pace/ 400M time
1hr 58min /9 min per mile /2:15 per lap
2hr 04min /9:30 /2:23
2hr 11min /10/ 2:30
2hr 18min /10:30 /2:37
2hr 24 min/ 11 /2:45
2hr 30min/ 11:30 /2:53

This was a great workout for getting the feel of your pacing for race day. We did some core work and rested 2 min between each mile. Definitely a workout I would recommend.

Friday Boot camp: We will be "playing" outside with a buddy tomorrow, so try to make it into class for a fun workout. At Home option - Dust off one of your favorite workout videos and do it all the way through, no stopping, no slacking off!

Weekend Long Run - We are planning on meeting at 6:30am at the Valley Park Trailhead for a 10K time trial. This means 6.2miles as fast as possible (for you). If you are not up to a hard run in this heat then take it slower but make sure your last mile is at your half marathon goal pace or faster. Post if you plan on coming so we can get a head count.

NO CLASS ON MONDAY - ITS LABOR DAY, go have some fun!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Healthy Running -

Common Scenario: A month into training, as miles start to pickup, enthusiasm picks up, and you are finally feeling in the groove, something starts to hurt. Now its up to you to figure out what the next step will be. Click on the article "Foot Notes" from Runnersworld that spells out some of the warning signs of foot issues and what course of action you should take. An injury is not always an end to your race, but you definitely need to listen to your body and address any issues you have before they turn into something more serious. A great way to minimize or avoid some of these overuse and mechanical issues is to follow these steps:
1. Proper equipment - make sure you get fitted for a good pair of running shoes from a store that specializes in long distance running.
2. Warm up - take the time to go through a dynamic warm up routine to prime your body for your running workout.
3. Perfect your running form - Practice the pose running drills and concentrate on maintaining good form throughout your runs.
4. Cool Down, stretch, and work on mobility - the workout does not end when you stop running. Take the time to stretch thoroughly and use a foam roller to work out any areas that need some extra attention.
5. Strength training - strong muscles will translate into a strong runner. Work specifically on your core for midline stabilization, your posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, calves) where you derive your power, and all those tiny muscles in your feet and ankles.

Thursday Run Workout: There will be only one workout tomorrow at 5:15am. Meet at the track for a 40 minute run where we will work on pacing.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tabata Tuesday at the track this morning and everyone did great! I know the drills get old after awhile, but by repeating these and perfecting our form we are going to be much more efficient runners and will be able to channel that saved energy into faster running. If you missed the workout this morning we did a couple of tabata drills along with our tabata run and then finished off with 4 - 400 meter runs with 40 squats after each lap.

Upcoming Races: Summit High School will be hosting a 5k race on their Homecoming weekend and I encourage you all to participate and support the school. Click on SUMMIT 5k for all info and online registration.

Wednesday at home workout: If you are not making it to class you should definitely be doing these at home workouts as part of your endurance training program. Here it goes for Wednesday, no weights needed:

5 Rounds of

  • 20 squats

  • 20 pushups

  • 20 situps

  • 20 jumping lunges

  • 20 mountain climbers

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fantastic run in Valley Park this morning - way to go Julie, Amy, Dawn, Gary, Bhairavi, Laurie!! Here is a funny marathon video that I thought you might all appreciate. Enjoy your day off tomorrow and I will see you all next week for more fitness fun.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Today was a tough hill workout, but exactly what is in order to make you stronger and faster. A couple of form reminders (taken from Runnersworld.com) to get you up the hills efficiently:
This Way Up

Increase your armswing as if you're pulling yourself quickly up a rope, says Indiviglia.

As you run up, think about pressing your hips into the hill to avoid bending at the waist.

This will help increase your stride rate and further help you maintain good posture.

Push off your toes to create an upward lift that will help propel you forward.

Weekend Run: This weekend we are planning on meeting Saturday morning at the Valley Park Trail head at 6:30am for 6-8 miles. Comment to this post if you can make it.

Friday at home workout: We are dusting off the steps in class on friday and doing an old school stepping class with weights. If you can't make it go grab your dumbells and find a flight of stairs:
1.weights by your side - run up stairs and do 10 Thrusters (squat with weights at shoulders then press overhead as you stand up) walk down with weights and do 10 pushups(on step, on ground, on ground with feet on steps - pick your level)
2.walk up stairs with weights as fast as possible - every other step. 10 jumping jacks without weights, back down with weights and 10 tricep dips off of step.
Alternate this two step sequence for 20 minutes.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Starting this Friday Boot Camp will be offered at 5:15am, 6:15am, and 8:15am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at Anytime Fitness. You are welcome to attend any day or time, so feel free to shake it up if you need to alter your times to make sure you get in to class.

Wednesday at home workout: If you missed class today you missed burpees and bear crawls. Only fair that you share in the misery - 10 burpee broad jumps, 20 walking lunges, 10 burpee broad jumps, 20 air squats, 10 burpee broad jumps, 10-30 ft bear crawls
Burpee Broad Jump - Burpee, chest to ground, come up and broad jump as far as you can
Bear Crawls - Crawling on hands and feet, butt in the air

Thursday Run Workout: 5x hill run and walk down backwards then 5x backward hill run and walk down forwards, end with 4x side shuffle up and walk down (alternate directions)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hope everyone was able to get in their run over the weekend with the storms on Saturday. This week we will be at the High School both Tuesday and Thursday. I am hoping to start an 8:15am bootcamp class this week, so I will keep you posted if there is enough interest. Please have anyone interested contact me.

Monday at home workout: 10,9,8,7....1 of each of the following - overhead press on swiss ball, bent over row, chest flys, swiss ball crunches. Grab a swiss ball and some weights (I used 8lbs)

Tuesday Run Workout: 9 rounds of 1 minute hard, 1 minute easy (hard is 85-90% effort, easy is slow recovery jog)

Friday, August 19, 2011

It is already Friday and we are nearing the end of the third week of training for the half marathon. Time to reflect and check yourself to make sure you are not slacking in any areas of the training program.
1.Speed work
2. Weekend long run
3. Strength and Conditioning workouts
4. Proper Nutrition
5. Sleep, recovery, and mobility/stretching

If you are struggling with one or more of these areas let me know and we can see what needs to be done to correct the situation.

If you missed class today we spent the morning working with Kettlebells. Kettlebells are a fantastic tool for overall conditioning and there are endless exercises that can be done with them to challenge every major muscle in your body! I am posting a video of the turkish get up that we went over today and if you don't have a kettlebell, use a dumbell to practice - 5 to 10 on each side. Make sure you keep your eye on the weight at all times and keep that arm locked out.

Friday at Home Workout: 5 turkish getups on each side. Rest 2 minutes then 100 jump squats (deep squat and explosive jump in the air). Each time you need to stop and rest do 2 pushups. End with 50 situps(knees bent, feet on the floor - touch hands to floor behind head and then come up into a full situp and touch the floor by your feet).

Last but not least: Bhairavi is organizing the weekend run since I will be out of town. Anyone who is interested can meet them at the Valley Park Trailhead at 6:30am on Saturday for your 5-7 miles.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Only meeting at 5:15 tomorrow morning - hope to see you then!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Took a bit of film today at our 6:15 class and wanted to share Julie's great Pose running form. Notice the foot landing underneath her and the pull with her leg. She also does a great job of keeping her midline stable and pumping her arms efficiently. Julie vs. Usain Bolt - I see the similarities! Click Here to see Julie and Watch Usain below for the ultimate lesson in Pose running.

Wednesday's At Home Workout: Go find a jump rope and complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes: Jump rope 1 minute, 5 pushups, 10 situps, 15 air squats (then right back to the jump rope)

Thursday Run workout - meet at the track at 5:15 or 6:15 4x800 repeats, walk a lap in between.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Great run today at Valley Park Trail. The weather was perfect and it looks like it is supposed to continue all week.

Monday at home workout: 10 cone touches (30 feet in between cones), 30 swings, 10 cone touches, 30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 10 cone touches, 30 tricep kickbacks with an alternating rear lunge, 10 cone touches, 30 in-and-out situps

Tuesday Run workout: Meet at 5:15am or 6:15a at Summit Track 8X200 repeats, starting at the top of every 3 minutes (keep a running clock and faster your 200's are the more time you have to rest) ***Reminder - only 5:15am track workout on Thursday

Thursday, August 11, 2011

GROUP RUN THIS SUNDAY 6:30 a.m. - Meet at Valley Park Trailhead parking lot (141N to left on Marshall Left up the hill to the lot) Planning on running 4-6 miles all paces welcome!

Nice to see most of you at the track this morning for 400 repeats. If you didn't come this morning make sure you hit the track sometime today and get your speedwork in. (Who is missing in this picture??)

Friday's workout is all about Kettlebells. Try to get to class but if you can't I am posting your at home workout option:

Friday at Home Workout: 1 minute plank, 1 minute air squats, 50 sec plank, 50 seconds side to side jumps over hurdle, 40 sec plank, 40 seconds mountain climbers, 30 seconds plank, 30 seconds burpees. Rest 3 minutes and repeat same sequence with side plank (switching 1/2 way through). Rest 3 minutes and repeat with pilates V hold.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 2 of German Volume Training today on the bench press - great job guys! If you didn't make it in to class this morning follow the at home option posted below. Also, thinking about starting an 8am bootcamp class on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. Anyone have friends that may be interested?

Wednesday At Home Workout Option: Grab some dumbells and work through this circuit 5 times. 10 alternating forward lunges with bicep curls, 10 thrusters (squat with weights at shoulders and press weights overhead as you stand), 5 manmakers (plank on weights and row one arm, pushup, and row the other arm, 10 mountain climbers. Don't laugh at my first attempt at a demo video - working on music/sound next.

Thursday Run Workout: Back at Summit Track. 4-6X400 repeats with a 200 meter recovery walk in between

Monday, August 8, 2011

New week and looks like we will have a break in the weather, so no excuses - get to class and get those workouts in! Don't forget, we will be at the middle school tomorrow morning for hill work.

Monday at Home Workout: 50 lunge walks, 10 pushups, 40 lunge walks, 20 burpees, 30 lunge walks, 30 situps, 20 lunge walks, 40 mountain climbers, 10 lunge walks, 50 jumping jacks - complete for time, no slacking!

Tuesday Run Workout: 10 hill repeats at middle school hill or 40-50 second hill, run up and walk down to recover keeping runs within 3 seconds of each other. Watch the Pose Running for Hills video on the side bar**

Friday, August 5, 2011

I've had some questions regarding German Volume Training and I wanted to share with you a little more info on why we are weaving elements of this method into our weekly work. Fitness guru, Charles Poliquin, speaks volumes (no pun intended) on this subject. Click Here to read all the details on GV Training. I think he sums it up best by explaining:

"The program works because it targets a group of motor units, exposing them to an extensive volume of repeated efforts, specifically, 10 sets of a single exercise. The body adapts to the extraordinary stress by hypertrophying the targeted fibers. To say this program adds muscle fast is probably an understatement. Gains of ten pounds or more in six weeks are not uncommon, even in experienced lifters!" - Charles Poliquin

I believe this method is worth a try because it is great for athletes of all levels, it is simple to follow (thought tough to do!), it's effects are felt immediately, and results are seen very fast. So, prepare to get strong like the Germans!

Friday at home workout: 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest X 6 of each exercise:
1. jump rope
2. plank
3. jumping lunges
4. wall sit (in squat - don't cheat and hold on to your legs or the wall)
5. burpees
6. hold dumbells overhead, arms straight, core tight or hold a handstand against the wall

Have a great weekend and make sure to get your run in early before it gets too hot!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The focus of our track workout today was midline stabilization. Maintaining a strong core as you run is essential in keeping good form and keeping your energy focused on the only parts of your body that should be moving - your legs, feet and arms. Remember that your lean forward should come from your ankles and not your hips. Watch video for example

We also touched on Myo-Fascial Release with a pvc pipe in place of a foam roller. Haven't tried a foam roller yet? Check out the this page at Sports Fitness Advisor for a great explanation of why you should be spending some time with the foam roller.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Details for the 5K Run on Saturday:
5K Run/Walk: Rain or shine, the route will begin at the top of the Meramec Levee – Arnold’s Grove

Trailhead near Highway 141. 1st 25 registrants will receive a T-shirt. Bring the whole family

Time: Event starts at 7:30am

Cost: $15.00/person

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hope everyone got there one mile time trial in this morning. Keep track of your times so you can see your improvement over the next 12 weeks. It will also help you in predicting your pacing for future workouts. Thursday we will meet at the Summit track again, and your weekend run is a timed 5k. If you are looking for a race to run Karen has informed me that Sacred Heart is holding a 5K Saturday morning. I will post the details as soon as I get them.

Wednesday, August 3rd: We are going to start a German Volume Training Series in Bootcamp this week - intrigued? Make sure to hit class every Wednesday over the next 6 weeks to work on increasing our bench press strength. At Home Workout Option:
Run up stairs holding 8-10 lb dumbells. At the top do 10 overhead presses and 10 bent over rows. Leave the weights at the top and run down the stairs. Do 10 pushups at the bottom (hands on the lowest step you can perform with good form). Run back up and get weights and run back down. Rest 30 seconds and repeat this sequence for a total of 5 Rounds.

Thursday, August 4th: Meet at the Summit Track at 5:15am or 6:15am for 4X400 repeats and more POSE instruction.

Monday, August 1, 2011


It is Monday, August 1st and we are ready to RockN Roll into our official training program. As a reminder, this program is modeled off of the CrossFit Endurance methodology which means higher intensity and lower miles, perfect pose running technique, strength and conditioning atleast 3 days a week, and good fuel and good rest. Spread the word and bring a friend to the Summit Track tomorrow to get started with our 1 mile time trial.

Monday S&C: Push up Waves, L-Sit Waves, and Pull up Waves in class today.
At home option: 5 Rounds of:

  • 30 seconds from forearm plank to hand plank and back

  • 30 sec plyo lunges

  • 30 sec rest

  • 30 sec crab walk

  • 30 sec squat jumps

  • 30 seconds rest

Tuesday Run: Meet at the Summit Track for 1 mile time trial and Intro to Pose Running

Looking for a good Post Workout Breakfast? Check out my High Protein Banana Bread recipe on the Paleo Food Blog.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Its Wednesday night and I did not get a chance to post a strength and conditioning workout for today - Sorry!! I know you all managed to sqeeze something in, and if not, you will be all rested and ready for tomorrow's run workout. Bharaivi and gang will be meeting again at 5:30am at the summit track.

Thursday Run Workout: 4X800 repeats (1 lap recovery walk in between) - do not waiver more than 3-5 seconds between intervals. Make sure you get your warm ups in and take a recovery lap or two at the end paying close attention to your form and practice your pose running skills. FYI - 800m is 2 laps.

Friday Strength and Conditioning WO: Warm up with 5 rounds of 10 of each:
Jumping Jacks, squats, mountain climbers, kigh knees
Then: Alternate these three moves at the top of each minute for 15 minutes

  • 3 perfect pushups (then rest until the top of the minute)

  • 5 squat jumps (then rest until top of the next minute)

  • 5 v-ups (then rest until the top of the next minute and do pushups again)

Weekend Run: 5 miles this weekend - get out early before it gets too hot!

See you all next Monday.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Rumor has it that Bharaivi, Gary, and Nanette are hitting the summit track tomorrow at 5:30 am if anyone would like to join them for the Tuesday workout. You all know the warm up routine by now, just make sure you get warmed up and jog an easy lap before starting in the main set.

Tuesday Running Workout: 8-10 200meter repeats at the top of every three minutes. Translation - run 1/2 a lap hard and then rest until 3 minutes is up. Repeat this 8-10 times. The faster you run, the longer you have to rest before you run your next 200 meter.

Try to keep your 200meter runs within 3 seconds of each other, we are looking for consistent pacing at that magical speed where you run at your maximum effort that can be repeated for 8-10 times.

Good luck and report back how it went!
Today is strength and conditioning day, and without class as an option today I am going to give you a couple of different ideas to get in your work today.

Option 1: Do you have some dumbells laying around the house? Put a circuit together as follows:

4 Sets of the following group of exercises, 10 reps each. Rest 2 minutes between sets.

  • Overhead Presses

  • Squats with weights by sides

  • Bicep curls

  • Alternating reverse lunges with tricep kickback (10 each leg)

  • Renegade Rows (down in plank position, hands on weights - alternate pulling each dumbell in a row keeping your hips facing forward)

  • Burpees from plank to standing holding weights

Option 2:

No Weights? Lets do a bodyweight circuit, 4 sets, 10 reps, 2 min rest in between.

  • dive bomber pushups

  • air squats

  • explosive wall pushups (lean against wall feet 2 ft away and arms extended fall to wall and then push away explosively

  • plyometric lunges

  • Tricep dips off a bench

  • burpees

Have fun!

Friday, July 22, 2011

TGIF! Awesome job to all of you that have braved the heat this week and gotten all your workouts in. Consistency is going to be key, so try and get those three scheduled runs and three scheduled strength and conditioning workouts in each week. Of course, if this is new to you and your are ramping up your activity, listen to your body first, and progress wisely, backing off if you are not hitting your run times like you should or your body is flirting with injury vs. overall muscle soreness.

Just a reminder - NO CLASS NEXT WEEK. This does NOT mean no workouts next week. Check into the website daily for "homework assignments" and start using the comment feature of the blog to let us know about your workouts completed, questions, comments. This would also be a GREAT forum for setting up workout dates while I am gone. If you are planning on running or getting together with some of the others to complete your workouts put the date/time/place/type of workout in the comments section or email me and I will post it on the site for anyone interested.

Friday Workout: Spend some extra time stretching your legs and expirement with a foam roller or lacrosse ball for loosening up those sticky tight spots (visit MobilityWOD ) 3X10 tricep dips off bench , plank with hip dips(roll hips from side to side), jump squats --rest 3 min then 3X10 pushups, russian twists , plyo lunges--rest 3 min then 50 situps

Saturday or Sunday Long Run: Run 4-6 miles for 1/2 marathon or 8-12 for full

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Today was all about hill repeats, and I know everyone is glad those are done - great job guys! I promised some video links on before and after Pose running technique , so here are a couple I have found. Before and After 1 Before and after 2 .

Cues to remember:

  • Land underneath your center of mass (not in front of your body)

  • Land midfoot, let your heel "kiss" the ground

  • Pull foot up rather than pushing off

  • lean from the ankle, not from the hips

  • Faster cadence (hot coals - get those feet up fast!)

  • arms at 90 degrees or less, relax shoulders, relax hands

  • Did I mention Breathe!!!

Wednesday Bootcamp: Class on Wednesday is all about the butt, and a great class for first timers if you have any friends that are interested in coming. At home option: 10 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 15 squats, 10 mountain climbers (each leg), 5 pushups

Thursday Running: Back to the Summit Track at 5:15am and 6:15am - come run before it gets too hot!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Congrats to Sara and Stephanie G who made it out to the CrossFit Valley Park 5K this weekend, great run ladies! I hope everyone else was able to squeeze in a 5K this weekend, bring me your times on Tuesday. Class Schedule for the week is posted to the right. Make sure to bring plenty of water, we are supposed to have heat advisories all week.

Monday: 50 burpees for time

Tuesday: Hill work - Running Class will meet at Rockwood South Middle School

Homework - watch POSE RUNNING ON HILLS VIDEO before class tomorrow

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Much better weather for those of you who came out to the track this morning. Great job on your 400 meter repeats. Reminder for the weekend - 5K time trial is on the schedule for Saturday or Sunday. CrossFit Valley Park is hosting a 5k run to raise money for their competition team. Visit CFVP Sign Up to register for the race.

Friday: If you have dumbells handy please bring some 5 lb, 8lb, or 10lb weights to boot camp in the morning. We will be working on Cardio intervals, upper body, and abs.
At home option: 10 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

  • run a flight of stairs

  • 10 squats

  • run down the stairs

  • 10 pushups on floor, bottom, or second step(lowest step possible without losing form)

Weekend: 5K time trial - post time to comments

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Great turn out at boot camp this morning. For those of you who can't make it to class I will start posting your "make-up assignments". This is NOT a sub for your strength and conditioning or running classes, but is a way to keep you on track if you are on vacation or can't make a class.

Wednesday: 10,9,8,7.....1 Kettlebell swings and burpees (10 swings, 10 burpees, 9 swings, 9 burpees etc..)*If you don't have a kettlebell use a dumbell

Thursday: Bring a mat or towel to the track tomorrow for some post workout runner's yoga. If it is raining we will meet at Anytime Fitness, otherwise, meet at the Summit Track.

I would love to hear feedback, comments, questions, so feel free to comment through this blog - chances are if you have a question, someone else does too!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Great job this morning to all the early morning runners who showed up this morning! Make sure you drink lots of water today and stay hydrated. General rule - drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day as a base. If exercising consume an addition 16-20 ounces an hour during activity.

Workout for Tuesday, July 12th: 1 mile time trial

Homework: Stay hydrated, work on ankle strengthening exercises, come to boot camp tomorrow!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Welcome to our training website! This website will be a work in progress for the next week or two as we ramp up our training program for the Rock N Roll Marathon. Official 12 week training program starts August 1st, but unofficially its time to start lacing up those running shoes and hitting the pavement.

Boot Camp:
BootCamp Class is the "Strength and Conditioning" part of the training program and classes are every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:15am and 6:15am at Anytime Fitness in Fenton. See Class Info link for details.

Ramp up running classes will start this Tuesday morning (July 12th) at 5:15am and 6:15am at the Rockwood Summit High School track. Bring a stopwatch, water, and your running shoes. Hope to see you Monday for BootCamp and Tuesday for running the track.