Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Project Training to Run Better is a Success!!  I cannot tell you all how proud I am of everyone's commitment to this unconventional half marathon training program.  I hope you all enjoyed the experience over the last twelve weeks and come away from this experience with a more efficient running style, better running mechanics, and and stronger and healthier engine.  You all have become some very powerful running machines! 

Now that the race is over we need to take a little time to recover and enjoy our accomplishments.  Fitness is a lifetime journey though and you know that I will be right back at you with new challenges and new goals.  We will not have running classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the rest of the year, but starting in January I would like to regroup and discuss our goals for the Go St Louis half marathon or full marathon. 

BootCamp as usual on Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays at 5:15am, 6:15am, and 8:15am.  If you have friends or family that would like to join in on the fun have them email me at stfteague@sbcglobal.net - new members ALWAYS welcome.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Countdown to Race day - 4 days!  The last workout I have posted on our official training program is 10-50 meter strides.  We will not be meeting on Thursday morning, but I will be incorporating this work into our workout on Friday, so feel free to take tomorrow off.  Class on Friday will be friendly to all our racers, so don't be afraid to come.

Some Last Minute Details:

  • Confirm Registration - Make sure you print off your confirmation waiver to take with you to the expo.  You will need this to pick up your packet along with your driver's license.
  • Expo - Packet pickup is on Friday from 12pm-7pm and Saturday from 9am-5pm.
  • Pasta Party - Come join us at my house for a pre-race dinner.  There will be plenty of food, but eat smart, no need to stuff yourself to the gills!  Shoot me an email or respond to the evite so I know how much pasta to order.
  • Race morning drive down and parking: We will meet at the Summit High School Parking lot at 6:00am to caravan down to the race. We are going to try parking at the YMCA lot at 15th and Locust. Looks like there are plenty of lots that will be open and charging $5, so if that doesnt work we will figure something out.
  • Family view spot - I am having my girls and in-laws wait at
  • After the race we can all meet up at the letter "S" in the family reunion area to celebrate and listen to the band.
Good Luck!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Friday BootCamp:  Weight Training and Cardio Intervals on Friday

Saturday Long Run: We are meeting for our last long run at Grants Trail - 6:30 am for an 8 mile run.  This run should be at race pace and a nice kick back before the big race next weekend.  Don't forget to bring any supplements (sports beans, gu, gel blocks) that you might be taking during the race to test them out.  Also, plan a race day outfit, including the sports bra and socks, and test them out to make sure they are comfortable and don't chafe.

Monday 10/17- CLASS CANCELLED - my daughter will be playing golf in Sedalia and I will be there watching her.  Homework while I am gone - 5 rounds of 10 overhead presses, 10 bicep curls, 10  weighted squats, 10 tricep kickbacks, 10 bent over rows and 50 jumping jacks for time.

Have a good Weekend!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

We are half way through the week and hill runs and German Volume Shoulder presses and squats have been checked off the list.  For Thursdays a.m. run we will meet back at the track at 5:15am for 8 - 400 meter repeats.  This will be our last Tuesday - Thursday class and I want to praise you all for sticking with the training program and putting your faith in our non-traditional methods. Amy was our first runner to put the training to the test and had a strong race last weekend when she and her posse completed the Bourban Chase in Kentucky. Can't wait to hear all the details! 

Here is a totally unrelated video, but we talked about it in class this morning and I thought you might all enjoy. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

We are now two weeks out for the big race and I am happy to say that everyone is right on track for a great rock n roll run. You guys have done all the hard work and now its time to stay healthy, clean up your diet, get plenty of rest. Keep babying any nagging spots and make sure to ice, roll out, stretch those areas that need extra attention (hamstrings, hips, IT band, calves, shins, ankles). Here is a great link to some stretch and strengthening exercises you can do at home.
Get off your Butt

Monday Bootcamp: The weather will continue be nice this week so plan on a fun workout outside tomorrow.

Tuesday Run: We are kind of winding down now on our Tuesday/Thursday classes, but it is still important to get these last couple of key workouts in before the race. We will meet at the middle school for a hill workout only at 5:30 am for anyone who can make it. If not, make sure to put some hills in your run today.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Death By 10 meters was the running workout this morning and only Lauri and Brenda got to experience the crazy fun!

Found a great video on Squat technique that I wanted to share. I know we talk about the squat alot, but the squat is a foundational movement used in so many exercises that its critical that we get this right.

Long Run this Weekend: We are meeting back at Grants Trail at 6:30am on Saturday morning for our longest run before the half. Don't forget to practice your race day nutrition as well as eating a good meal the night before with a higher carb ratio to fill your tank.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Congratulations to everyone for a great long run this weekend, I heard that the Saturday group did fantastic at Grants Trail! We are in the home stretch now, with one more bump up in mileage next weekend and then a kick back week before the big race. Stay healthy this month and get plenty of sleep, good nutritious food and lots of water.

Monday Boot Camp - Today we are working with Bands and Weights

Tuesday Run - Meet at the Summit Track for 3 1 mile repeats.

Wednesday Bootcamp - 2nd week of overhead press and squats on German Volume Training.

Thursday Run - Meeting at Anytime Fitness***