Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Its Wednesday night and I did not get a chance to post a strength and conditioning workout for today - Sorry!! I know you all managed to sqeeze something in, and if not, you will be all rested and ready for tomorrow's run workout. Bharaivi and gang will be meeting again at 5:30am at the summit track.

Thursday Run Workout: 4X800 repeats (1 lap recovery walk in between) - do not waiver more than 3-5 seconds between intervals. Make sure you get your warm ups in and take a recovery lap or two at the end paying close attention to your form and practice your pose running skills. FYI - 800m is 2 laps.

Friday Strength and Conditioning WO: Warm up with 5 rounds of 10 of each:
Jumping Jacks, squats, mountain climbers, kigh knees
Then: Alternate these three moves at the top of each minute for 15 minutes

  • 3 perfect pushups (then rest until the top of the minute)

  • 5 squat jumps (then rest until top of the next minute)

  • 5 v-ups (then rest until the top of the next minute and do pushups again)

Weekend Run: 5 miles this weekend - get out early before it gets too hot!

See you all next Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Great turnout this morning at 5:30! John, Gary, Dawn, Lauri, Andrea and I were there. We did our warmups, easy lap and started the 800 repeats. I did good with my consistency: 4:25, 4:20, 4:20 & 4:19. We all finished with a walk/jog lap to cool down, stretched and came home! Thanks for giving us the workouts.
