Friday, September 9, 2011

For those of you who made it to the track yesterday, you are most likely feeling the soreness that accompanies hard effort speedwork. We ran 20 100m repeats at 90-95% effort, which is very taxing on your muscles. If you look at sprinters and their huge leg muscles you can see that muscle strength versus cardio endurance is mainstay of speed. When you do hard speed workouts you need to make sure you take the time to recover. I have found that the best type of recovery is some type of cross training which gives you just enough movement to keep the blood circulating through your legs. One of our main goals should be staying healthy, and I found a great article on the Runners World site that addresses the 7 big body breakdowns. Please take the time to read it.

Friday Boot Camp: We worked with partners today doing a great "Stop and Go" circuit. If you missed it try some of these isometric holds for strength and stability:

  • Plank hold (forearm or hand plank)

  • Squat hold (bottom of the squat, knees pushed out, no slouching)

  • vsit

  • kettlebell farmers hold (hold heavy weights at your sides with good posture, abs and glutes locked)

  • handstand hold against the wall

Weekend Long Run: We have 7 miles on the schedule this weekend and a group will be meeting at 7am at the Valley Park Trailhead. I will try to send out a group email so you can respond tomorrow morning if the weather looks questionable. Start off easy and finish strong, - last three miles at half marathon goal pace.


  1. We (John, Lauri, Sarah L and I) got our 7 miles in this morning! We finished strong the last couple of miles.

  2. Great to hear your run went well. Keep up the great work, your solid efforts are paying off!
