Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday, September 25th

We are now a less than a month from the RockN Roll half marathon and everyone has been doing fantastic! If you haven't signed up yet make sure to stop in Fleet Feet as soon as possible to sign up since they are currently offering $15 off until sellout if you register in person. We are in the home stretch now, so stay focused and stay consistent with both your running and strength and conditioning workouts so you can be in peak shape on race day. This week we will focus on balance, core, and the posterior chain, all very important pieces of a strong runner.

Monday at Home Workout:

1 comment:

  1. Gary & I got home this afternoon and the long run weighed heavily on our minds. We ran 9 miles this evening and finished up in the dark before 8 pm. We did Fenton Park into G. Winter and back and ran the loop in Fenton Park until we reached 9 miles. Finished in 1:35. Exhausted but done!
