Thursday, August 4, 2011

The focus of our track workout today was midline stabilization. Maintaining a strong core as you run is essential in keeping good form and keeping your energy focused on the only parts of your body that should be moving - your legs, feet and arms. Remember that your lean forward should come from your ankles and not your hips. Watch video for example

We also touched on Myo-Fascial Release with a pvc pipe in place of a foam roller. Haven't tried a foam roller yet? Check out the this page at Sports Fitness Advisor for a great explanation of why you should be spending some time with the foam roller.


  1. Thanks for all the tips today! I am going to look for a foam roller because I do think it will be really good for us to work out tight spots, especially Gary. I had no problem with the PVC pipe, but it was too firm for Gary. That link you have above had a good link to an online store that sells the foam rollers.

  2. Finally bought a foam roller. Got the last one on clearance at Target in the Yoga aisle. We got it for 50% off and it came with a DVD on exercises and muscle stuff to do with the foam roller.
