Friday, August 19, 2011

It is already Friday and we are nearing the end of the third week of training for the half marathon. Time to reflect and check yourself to make sure you are not slacking in any areas of the training program.
1.Speed work
2. Weekend long run
3. Strength and Conditioning workouts
4. Proper Nutrition
5. Sleep, recovery, and mobility/stretching

If you are struggling with one or more of these areas let me know and we can see what needs to be done to correct the situation.

If you missed class today we spent the morning working with Kettlebells. Kettlebells are a fantastic tool for overall conditioning and there are endless exercises that can be done with them to challenge every major muscle in your body! I am posting a video of the turkish get up that we went over today and if you don't have a kettlebell, use a dumbell to practice - 5 to 10 on each side. Make sure you keep your eye on the weight at all times and keep that arm locked out.

Friday at Home Workout: 5 turkish getups on each side. Rest 2 minutes then 100 jump squats (deep squat and explosive jump in the air). Each time you need to stop and rest do 2 pushups. End with 50 situps(knees bent, feet on the floor - touch hands to floor behind head and then come up into a full situp and touch the floor by your feet).

Last but not least: Bhairavi is organizing the weekend run since I will be out of town. Anyone who is interested can meet them at the Valley Park Trailhead at 6:30am on Saturday for your 5-7 miles.


  1. Yes, Gary and I plan to get our run in tomorrow morning at 6:30 am, so come join us & let's get it done! We are aiming for 6 miles.

  2. Gary, Lauri and I got it done before the storm hit...6 miles!
